Wednesday 5 October 2016

Sunrise Photography

As anyone who knows anything about photography will tell you, 'The Golden Hour' is the time to take photographs. An hour around sunrise or sunset provides the best light, outside of that and it either gets too contrasty, or too flat. So with this in mind we planned to be at Blea Tarn (Langdale) for 07:00 am to catch the sunrise.
We arrived in the half light that precedes the dawn and began to set up in our chosen location. I have to say that in spite of the weather forecast, it didn't look too promising, with the Langdale Pikes hidden behind mist. As the sun slowly began to rise, the light began to warm up, but that mist wasn't for shifting and as the Pikes are a significant part of the view, I decided to quickly relocate about 50 metres away to where the path around the tarn crosses the outlet stream. There is a small bridge and a kissing gate, a nicely restored path, the stream and plenty of opportunity for good compositions, not to mention some warm sunlight appearing.

No tarn, but I thought it was a good opportunity to catch the warmth of the rising sun in thevalley behind Blea Tarn.

I spotted this composition some time ago, but on that occassion it was later in the morning and the sun was facing me directly over the mountains on the horizon, making it impossible to get a good image. I think this time, conditions were just right.

Passing through the gate and looking down the valley, though by this time the sun was creeping just a little too close to the angle of my shot.

Looking up to my right, I could see the moody looking lower crags of Pike O'Blisco.

I didn't want to ignore the tarn completely though. It's still a very beautiful place, even without the backdrop of Langdale Pikes.

 Sometimes they almost appeared and then in a whisp of the mist, they disappeared again.

The light was changing again. The dawn light of warmth and soft tones had gone, but the mist was still there. We packed up our gear and left to reflect on what we had got and what we might have got if conditions had been slightly different. Ah well, we'll have to go back again another day, no harm in that though is there.

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