Monday 10 October 2016

I think have a sunrise addiction!

Another early start, so that we could get up to Blea Tarn for sunrise. Sunrise was supposed to be at 07:40, so we got up there soon after seven so that we could choose our place and get set up in plenty of time. As it happened, sunrise didn't start in the mountains until 08.25. So I was quite a long wait, but there are worse places to be on a Monday morning and besides, I think the wait was worth it.

Something is starting to happen.

Yes, I think the sun is coming up.

Oh yes!

Well worth the wait.

Ha e you ever heard a morning so quiet and so still?
I could hear the magpie's wing as it flew past and it's raucous cackle reverberated around the rocky faces of our mountain surrounds.
Slowly, slowly, slowly, the morning moved in.
An owl hooted constantly in the distance, answered only by the echoing call of a Herdwick on a distant hill.
Quietly, quietly, the morning moved into the valley.
A crow called somewhere far away and not a soul could hear it's call. No one.
The tarn lay quite calm, save for a few fish breaking the surface and quietly and slowly, the morning moved into the valley.
Mist rose from the far side of the tarn, waiting, tempting the rising sun to come in and burn it away. 
But slowly, slowly, little changed, minute by minute, as the morning moved, imperceptibly into the valley.
And the mountains.
The mountains were simply, magnificent.

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