Wednesday 15 March 2017

Rydal Hall

Rydal Hall is a Grade II listed building that was once the home of the Le Fleming family, but now belongs to the Diocese of Carlisle. The hall has a nineteenth century facade, but much of the building dates from earlier periods. The main hall and surrounding buildings are used for retreats, holidays, conferences and courses. The grounds of some 34 acres are part garden,  but with areas set aside for camping.
The gardens are open to the public and are well worth a stroll around, with a visit to the Old School Room Tea Shop as part of the plan!

Rydal Hall from 'the quiet garden'.

There are some interesting sculptures in the garden. This Angel was created in the style of Josefina de Vasconcellos, who lived and worked locally.

A rather spectacular rhododendron growing in the gardens.

The beauty that is Spring!

The lower falls of Rydal Beck run through the gardens.

The 'Grot' was built for the purpose of viewing the falls and was used by many artists in the nineteenth century.

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