Saturday 27 August 2016

August Rain!

In the Lake District we are used to it raining, it does it frequently. True, the wet days can be rather miserable, but the days in between can also be spectacular. We had a couple of those miserably wet days last weekend, when the rain was particularly bad for August, but then in some of the days that followed, the skies were so clear. It was easy to imagine that the air had been washed clean by the rain, leaving blue skies and fantastic views.

Monday morning and the becks were looking very full. This was Force Forge near Satterthwaite.

Quite a torrent!

The small streams coming off the mountains were full. This one is in Yewdale Woods and most of the time doesn't even exist. But after twelve hours of heavy rain, it looks like this.

Even the fields filled up with rainwater, but by Monday evening, the clouds were parting to show some blue sky.

School Beck that runs down through Boon Crag was full to overflowing, but again, blue sky is showing through and the promise of a good day to come.

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