Saturday 25 February 2017

Tom Ghyll and Tarn Hows

After a lot of rain recently, we decided that this would be the driest underfoot that we could hope for. The ghyll was more full than usual, so once again, I couldn't resist a few photos of the waterfalls and cataracts, although the main fall is obscured by lots of growth and it is difficult to get a good image. Tarn Hows too offers views that are really hard to resist, no matter how often you visit. At least the weather and the changing seasons make the views different overtime, at least, thats the way it feels.
Tom Ghyll and Tarn Hows are both owned and managed by The National Trust.

The full gayly and the low angle of the sun made for some interesting images.

I tried to capture the splash!

The beauty of the woods, the team and the soft, morning sunlight.

The sunlight picking out the moss covered beck stones.

The sign says it all.

A wintery looking Coniston Old Man.

A beautiful birch tree, the tarns and a distant, snow covered, Fairfield.

The National Trust, hard at work, managing the land around the tarn.

Always a good view of the Langdales from Tarn Hows.
For more information about things to do and see and places to staying the Coniston area, click on this link to Coniston Tourist Information. Or alternatively Visit Cumbria.

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