Tuesday 21 November 2017

Tilberthwaite to Little Langdale & Hodge Close

Sunday, November 19th

A beautiful frosty morning, there hasn't been enough of these this year! Boots on, camera bag on back and off we go, to enjoy the beauty of Tilberthwaite and surrounding area.

This was taken from the road up tp Tilberthwaite, looking across to Tom Heights. I always like the look of the birches over there in the winter. They have beautiful silvery bark and a purple haziness to their upper reaches, though I haven't really captured it in this shot.

This is looking across to the back of Yewtree Farm, I love the Scots Pines there and liked the contrast that they provide. Again, I haven't really captured the image I was looking for.

This is looking across the lower Tilberthwaite valley to Raven Crag. This is a better example of what I was saying about the Birch trees.

Tilberthwaite Cottages, what a beautiful setting. An old farm and some miner's cottages, now belonging to The National Trust

Herd wicks are incredibly photogenic and obliging too.

I have watched this pile of logs gradually decay over the years and often felt how beautiful they look, but again I don't feel like the photograph captures the image I had in my head.

Chewing the cud, two more of those perpetually photogenic ruminants.

Just a tiny fungi, growing in the moss on a drystone wall. It couldn't have been more than two inches tall.

The view across Little Langdale towards Bowfell. This view from Stang End is one that always has me reaching for my camera, no matter how often we do this walk.

Looking across the valley at a group of larches in their late autumn colour.

The Silver Birch, always an early coloniser, it grows all over in recently deserted quarries.

By lunchtime the light was going, as high cloud moved overhead, the light went flat and the colours faded.

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