Sunday 31 July 2016

Back on the trail...

This morning we decided to leave the extremely busy village behind us and take one of our favourite (and regular) walks to Tarn Hows. The village is full of runners, here for the Lakeland 100 and Lakeland 50 events. Not just the runners, but their families too and with well over a thousand runners, plus their supporters, the village feels very full and hectic. Soon after leaving the village we were into the tranquillity of the woods, beautiful at any time of year, very lush and green at the moment, but already the first signs of Autumn are showing. For over a week now we have noticed that the bracken is turning and the Rowan trees are full of berries, many turning red already.
As the path heads up from Low Yewdale and through Tarn Hows Wood, the view across the Yewdale valley opens up. I could never grow tired of this view into the Tilberthwaite valley and rarely pass by without taking at least one photo.
Some of the umbellifer flowers are not easy to distinguish one from the other, but looking closely at them, they are quite intricate.
An unusual view from the road just above Tarn Hows Cottage. I have never really noticed this summit from this angle before. The sun was on Brim Fell and the foreground was in shade, making it stand out more than usual.
The rather splendid view of Langdale Pikes from Tarn Hows. I love the textures in this image, firstly of all the different trees in the foreground and then the textures and shades in the clouds.
The very gentle, rural, scene of Tarn Hows.
The Rowan berries, heralding the first signs of Autumn.

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